Claw vacuum pumps

The compressors and cam vacuum pumps of the GPR series (PREDATOR SERIES) are based on a static compression system. Compared to rotary lobe models, compression occurs internally by contraction of the volume. A cam pump consists of two rotors. These rotate in opposite directions in the housing of a contactless compressor while respecting particularly tight clearances. They are synchronized through a precision gear. As the cam moves over the suction connection and enters the axial suction channel the gas is drawn into the compression chamber. As the rotor turns, the gas moves from the suction side to the pressure side. It is then compressed through volume reduction between the rotors until the bottom rotor uncovers the exhaust channel. This “internal compression” results in high differential pressures at efficiencies of over 60%. The pre-compressed gas is then discharged through the pressure connection. To remove the heat generated by the compression process, cooling air is drawn between the compression housing and the sound deadening cowling before leaving the pump.
vacuum limit 70 mbarAbs;
flow rates from 70 to 350 m3/h;
without lubrication; air-cooled;
optionals: suction filters with paper cartridge; vacuum and pressure regulation valve.
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